Ticket Questions
Sections in this article:
Video TutorialsWhere Is My Online Ticket Link?How Do I Edit My Online Ticket Link?DOES AFTON ONLY CARE ABOUT TICKET SALES?How to Order Thermal Tickets or Get Physical Cash Tickets?Can I Pay to Play if I Want To?What if I Lost Track of the Ticket ID #'s for Tickets I Sold?Video Tutorials

Understanding Your Shows Dashboard
How To Find “My Orders” and “Artist Payment”
How to Update Your Gig Preferences
How To Edit Your Time Slot Preferences
How To Find Your Online Ticket Link
How To Change Your Artist Name
How To Edit Your Online Ticketing Page
How To Add Performers To The Contract
Where Is My Online Ticket Link?
A couple very common questions that we receive at Afton Shows from our artists is when they are confirmed for a show they ask “Where is my online ticket link?” or “Where do I send my fans to buy a ticket”.
Both of these questions can be answered by watching the below video that goes over just where to find your online ticket link in your MyAfton account.
If you have any further questions please make sure to reach out to your booking rep.
How Do I Edit My Online Ticket Link?
A couple common questions that comes up here at Afton Shows from our artists is “How do I edit my online ticket link?” or “How do I edit the message that my fans see on my page?”.
Both of these questions can be answered by watching the below video that goes over just how to edit your ticketing page within your MyAfton account.
If you have any further questions please make sure to reach out to your booking rep.
Every so often an artist will ask us:
“Why does it seem like Afton only cares about ticket sales?”
We never want our artists to feel like ticket sales are all we care about. Afton exists because we care about unsigned, independent musicians. We are musicians ourselves, and know firsthand how little the Music Industry does to support local bands and rappers. That’s why we want every artist to see the big picture.
Maximizing attendance on every show is paramount to the success of the show for everyone involved. After all, nobody likes playing to an “empty room,” and venues won’t keep allowing local shows if nobody shows up!
The truth is, there are many aspects of the show we care about and work on behind the scenes. We want you to have fun at our shows. We want you to meet other local artists and play at a great venue. We want you to showcase your music to your fans and the other artists’ fans so you can grow your fanbase. We want our artists to get paid, and we our venues to be happy with the turnout so they continue to allow more and more local shows.
So why do we focus so much on ticket sales?
1. Because playing a show with 200-300 people in the room is an unforgettable, fun experience.
2. Based on data analysis from over 14,000 shows we’ve produced, we’ve seen effective ticket selling raises attendance by about 500%.
Yes, you read that correctly. Why do you think every national tour pushes advance online ticket sales so hard? Nationally touring bands and big Promoters know that fans planning to pay at the door rarely show up. We’ve seen it happen. If every artist sells 0 tickets and relies 100% on fans “promising” to pay at the door, attendance drops significantly. Why? Because 80% of those “door promises” will flake out last minute, make other plans, or just stay home to watch Netflix and order something off of GrubHub. Click here to read why relying on door sales screws artists.
3. Anytime we’ve done away with the honor system ticket requirement, stopped our weekly check-ins with artists, or stopped watching ticket sales progress and keeping artists accountable, attendance has dropped dramatically.
Simply put, if you like playing shows with 30 people in the crowd total between 5 bands, then go play shows that don’t focus on advance ticket sales.
Afton would be doing a disservice to all of our artists if we knowingly setup our shows in a way that would hurt attendance. Our average attendance is much higher for local shows than most other local shows. Many venues ask will ask us, “How the hell do you get local shows that draw more than 40-50 people?” Every artist benefits when we’re actively keeping each artist accountable for effective promotion and ticket sales.
In Summary
So do we only care about ticket sales?
Of course not. We care about everything that involves creating a successful live concert. But our top priority when you book with MyAfton is that your show has the biggest crowd possible.
Remember, your Booking Rep’s job is to offer encouragement and strategies on how to maximize your draw for every show. We have our MyAfton Blog, Afton Musician Podcast, and so many resources for emerging musicians.
Reach out to your Booking Rep when you feel like you’re not making progress or get discouraged, that’s what they’re there for. They want to help solve any roadblocks you face and teach you how to sell more tickets than you ever thought possible.
It’s our job to to focus on whatever it takes to maximize attendance. But even if a lot of our focus might be on ticket sales, we are always thinking about every aspect of the show (venue, logistics, staffing, artist perks, promotion, the lineup, promo codes for fans, etc).
We are here to help however we can.

Let’s sellout your next Afton show, together.
How to Order Thermal Tickets or Get Physical Cash Tickets?
If already confirmed on an Afton show and you’ve completed the e-contract for that show:
1. Login to your MyAfton.com account and click on the “My Shows” section.
2. Then click on the Confirmed show date you’re on to go to that show’s Confirmed Dashboard.
3. From here, you can click the Tickets link in the center of the page and then click the “Get Physical Tickets” sub navigation link, or click the green “Get Physical Tickets” button that is on the right display of your Confirmed Dashboard.
Note: You can always order Thermal Tickets from our Design Center, to get there click the “Ticket & Flyer Creator” link at the top of the page. Or you can click on the “Store” link.
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If you’re not booked on an Afton show, and need tickets for a NON-Afton show:
1. Login to MyAfton.com and either go to the “Store” and click create thermal tickets, or you can click the “Ticket & Flyer Creator” link at the top of the page to go to the Design Center directly.
2. Choose the Non-Afton show if this is not for an upcoming Afton event.
3. Then just fill out artist name and the show information, double check that everything is correct! Then you can order your Thermal Tickets.
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Can I Pay to Play if I Want To?
Sometimes artists just starting out will ask us, “Can I just choose to pay to play, and buy my own tickets so I can play a show?” Our answer to this is unequivocally no.
To be clear, Afton is adamantly against Pay to Play. We never want artists to buy their own tickets. So even if the artist wants to Pay to Play, we do not allow them to. If we find that an artist is doing this, we will stop booking them.
We believe that with the right tools, strategies, and with our help almost any artist no matter where they are at in their career is capable of selling 20 advance tickets in their home region. If an artist is truly unable to do that, we may in some cases choose to make an exception, but at the very least we will try to teach that artist how to grow their fan base in a way that is constructive and helpful. Buying your own tickets to play a show doesn’t teach you how to grow your fan base and promote yourself. You can’t take shortcuts. It takes effort to grow your fan base. After all, nothing that is worth doing is ever easy.
Afton focuses on empowering unsigned artists and showing them that they do have the ability to self-promote and improve their promotion skills to the point where they can see effective results. Where other promoters or players in the music industry might tell an unsigned artist that they “can’t make it,” Afton is here to not only tell you that “YOU CAN,” but to give you the support and tools you need to be the best musician, best marketer, and the best artist you can be.
What if I Lost Track of the Ticket ID #'s for Tickets I Sold?
No worries, here’s what to do. A Ticket ID # is required for every cash ticket you Validate at MyAfton.com, and venue staff will only let fans into the show if theTicket ID # on their ticket has been validated. If you ever lose track of which Ticket ID #’s you sold, don’t worry here’s an easy solution.
*Note: It’s easier if you note which Ticket ID #’s you sell, as you sell them, to make validating tickets easier later on.
1. First, take an inventory between you and all group members of what Ticket ID #’s you have still in your posession. You know this by looking at any tickets you still have in your posession that you haven’t sold yet.
2. Login to your MyAfton.com account. Click on “My Shows,” then click on this show date to access the Confirmed Dashboard for that show.
3. Click the green “Validate Cash Sales” button, then click the Start Validation button. At the top it will list all Ticket ID #’s that have been assigned to you: EXAMPLE – “Your Available Ticket Ids : 600-640, 700-740” as an example.
4. Now just match “Your Available Ticket ids” (which are the Ticket ID #’s assigned to you) and then by process of elimination, match that to the Ticket ID #’s you have in your posession. You now know that any missing Ticket ID #’s are tickets that you already sold to fans, and those are the ID #’s to validate.
If you have any questions let me know!
If you sold print-at-home cash tickets already, those had their own unique Ticket ID #’s on them. So those fans will get into the show if you sold them a ticket and validated their ticket at MyAfton.com. If you ordered Thermal Tickets, those will have different Ticket ID #’s than any print-at-home ticket you’ve been using. So you just would sell your Thermal Tickets and then validate them as you sell them. We never let you download print-at-home tickets, or order multiple batches of Thermal Tickets without ensuring that every single ticket has it’s own unique Ticket ID #. So don’t worry about that.
- Artist Payment
- Artist: LiveStream Setup Help
- Fan: LiveStream Setup Help
- General Show Terms & Details
- How Afton Promotes
- How To Sign Up For An Afton Account
- How to Use Promo Codes
- MyAfton Design Tool
- MyAfton Platform: Account Help
- Not Getting Our Emails?
- Open Dates & Days of Week
- Perks
- Refund Policy
- Time Slot Policy & Set Lengths
- Turning Booking On/Off
- Weekly Check Ins
- Weekly Goals for Confirmed Bands