Print Store
One of the best things that comes with a free MyAfton membership is access to the MyAfton print store! We offer tons of different sizes at Warehouse prices!
From our store you can create a flyer for a show that you are booking through us (Afton) OR you can create a flyer for any shows that you are booking outside of Afton. Below we will go through steps on how to create both kinds of Flyers.
For both kinds of Flyers you will need to have created an account with us. If you have not already done that you can head HERE to create one. Once you have done that you can follow the below instructions on how to create them.
Non-Afton Flyer
First you will want to go to the MyAfton Store and click Create new, Flyer (8×11), Poster (11×17) or Hand Bill (4.25×5.5). Then just click on ‘Non-Afton Show’. After filling out all of the specific venue/show info and hitting next you will be prompted to either chose an image from our gallery OR upload your own image.
Customizing Your Flyer
From this screen you can edit the color of three different sections of your flyer and also add the text that you want to appear on the Flyer.

Once you are finished editing the flyer the way that you want it, just click the ‘Preview & Submit’ button. The final step is to chose how many of the flyers that you want to order and then hit ‘Add to Cart’.
Finished Flyer

Afton Flyer
This process is very similar to the Non- Afton Show, you will want to go to the MyAfton Store and click Create new, Flyer (8×11), Poster (11×17) or Hand Bill (4.25×5.5). The main difference is that you will of course click ‘Afton Show’ and then select the Afton show that you would like to make a Flyer for.
On the next screen you will find that all of the show info is automatically inputed on the flyer so that you do not have to enter it in.

Once you have edited the flyer the way that you want it just hit the ‘Preview & Submit’ button. You then just choose the amount of Flyers that you want to purchase and hit add to Cart.
Free Options
If you are on an Afton event and on a budget you can even download the finished product as a file that you can print yourself from home. If you want to choose this option just make sure to click the “Download Now” button as seen below.

Third Option
The third option that we have for customers is the “Not Date or Venue Specific”. This means that instead of adding all of the show info to the flyer you can upload a Flyer file that is already finished (with all the show info). With this option you can also purchase them and have us print and ship them to you.
Different Sizes
In our store we have three main sizes to choose from: Flyer, Poster and Hand Bill. The regular 8×11 (flyer) is our most popular size as it is an industry standard size. Or we have an 11×17 (poster) size which is our biggest option. Our last option is called a hand bill which is 4.25×5.5. They are perfect for artists that want to hand something out to their fans.


Hand Bill

When this option is chosen we use an in house professional cutter to cut the 4 handbills. That way once you get them they are ready to be handed out to fans.
Promo Codes
Once you are signed up with a membership account you can then receive emails from us which will often have promo codes to use. Usually the promo codes range anywhere from 10% off up to 50% off. Once you are signed up be on the lookout for some awesome deals!