Get to know artist JessieTheGoat:
“My real name is Joshua Neloms I go by rapper name JessieTheGoat (JTG) for short. I am 25 years old and I am from Milwaukee WI.”
Joshua had a massive draw at his March 24th show Miramar Theatre show in Milwaukee WI bringing out nearly 100 fans to his show. He is also scheduled to perform in Chicago on May 23rd at Bassline.
8 Questions with JessieTheGoat
What inspires you?
“Things that inspired me to keep going with music is the struggle I have been through in my lifetime. My family, friends, fans and my support system have been through a struggle as well.”
What do you Enjoy about playing with Afton?
“Afton has given me an opportunity to showcase my talent to my city and other cities. This is something that my city can use especially for an upcoming artist.”
Where Do you see yourself in 3 years? How can Afton help?
“In three years I will see myself on a major stage somewhere where the world can see the talent I have grown to produce with the music industry and Afton can help by offering me more shows around the United States. Not just in my home town.”
If you could play shows with any artist (living or dead) who would it be?
“My favorite artist would be lil Wayne. The man is a lyrical genius and I think I can grow from him and learn. And also J cole. I can see myself with these two artists. They are very different artists but both legends.”
What is the craziest thing that has happened to you since you became an artist?
“The craziest thing that has happened to me was going to another stars show (Miami) and having a sold out event. As well as performing and just feeling the love as an artist. Especially coming from the Midwest to the south.”
Do you have any pre show rituals?
“Before a show I like to mellow out and visualize myself on stage getting everyone involved and active. Remembering what worked and what didn’t for a previous performance. After a show it’s a party lol.”
What advice would you give to a young artist that is just starting out?
“To any young artist out there, my main advice is to keep grinding. Things get very tough. Jealousy and greed will be coming at you like a train full steam ahead. Keep your mind strong and don’t give up on what you love to do and believe in it as if you already made it. Dreams do become reality eventually.”
What is the biggest lesson that you have learned as an artist?
“My biggest lesson I have learned is to tune out the negativity as much as possible. Making sure my mentality is ready for what comes with being an upcoming artist. Be real in what I rap about. Nothin I rap about is fake or nothing I never lived.”
Follow Emerging Artist JessieTheGoat:
Instagram: @jessis.the.goat
Facebook: JessieTheGoat
Twitter: @jessiethegoatt
Snapchat: jtrey4567
SoundCloud: JessieTheGoat
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/doin-too-much/1458902219
YouTube: https://youtu.be/bXlM36paqBw
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6ECNewiP8Ux10OlggDcLng?si=DSU8zqo3QiiaUTwEOZaZ7g
You can find JessieTheGoats music streaming on all digital platforms. From iTunes, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube, Etc