Find A LiveStream Format That Fits Your Style!
In this blog article we will be walking you through a few different types of LiveStream performances that you can have using our platform. We realize that each artist is different and likes to perform shows different ways, so we that it would be important to go over some of them.
Performing With a BackTrack and a Mic
The first kind of performance that you can do is a simple livestream performance using a web cam, a back track and a microphone. Artists that either want to keep things simple or for artists that don’t have access to a lot of equiptment for a show. This is the solution for you.
Prince Hall:
Performing With a Daw
This kind of performance is similar to the above example however this artist opted to use a daw for their performance to help with the sound quality. Most artists do know how to use a daw for their performance but if they do not we do offer full walkthrough articles on our site that can help you set it up.
Performing With a Daw and Multi Camera Setup
This kind of performance is similar to the above setup however this artist decided to have the performance visual switch between two different cameras to make the show more appealing for the viewer.
Performing With a Daw, Instrument and Multi Camera Setup
This kind of performance is similar to the above setup however this artist decided to have the cameras both displaying for the whole performance so that the view would be able to see two angles for the entirety of the performance. This artist also played a live instrument through out the Live Stream.
Reese Alexander:
Performing With a Daw, Multi Cameras, And Band Members
For this performance the artist Nicholaus Kane had a moving camera rather than a stationary camera so that it moved with him as he performed. He also had a full band performing with him each instrument running through multiple audio channels.
Nicholaus Kane:
Other Resources
How To Sell Tickets For Your Live Stream Show