This Months Review
We are very happy to bring to you our Afton artist album review of ‘Love & Otha Drugz’ by AceMan. We recommend this album to anyone that is looking for some new Hip Hop to add to their music rotation.
AceMan is an artist that truly represents the Carolinas. Coming up in the Charlotte metropolitan area. He’s spent the last few years perfecting his craft and building a name for himself, while trying to blossom from the tough Carolina soil that has produced very few stars. “Love & Otha Drugz” is his latest project.
Love & Otha Drugz
The opening track ‘DaBaby Wit A Check’ has very short period of time with instrumental only before the lyrics start in. They pack quite a punch as the lyrics roll over the beat. You just can’t help but bob your head to it.
The second track on the album ‘New Shit (New Mindset)’ (which actually is on our upcoming Winter Mixtape, so you can check the song out there too). The beat is similar to that in the first track but also unique in its own way. The lyrics flow effortlessly through out the track and even has a great feature from ‘Heff Dalegend’.
The third track on the album ‘Marrie 2 The Game’ starts off with a beat filled with a strong synth sound and branches out from there. The song paints a perfect picture as his lyrics flow over the track with one of my favorite lines on the track being ‘I been spittin fire for an hour got my throat hot’.
The fourth track on the album titled ‘Can’t Take It Wit Me’ almost feels like a different genre with the addition of the instrumental. It seems to have almost a dream wave feel causing the lyrics to cycle in and out perfectly over it.
The Middle
The 5th track on the album titled ‘Let Me See It’ starts off with one of the strongest hooks on the album so far. The production on this track is also my favorite on the album so far. It adds a bit of mystery feel to the track that works very well with the vocals.
The 6th track on the album ‘Only Fans’ would have to be the club anthem for the first half of the album. It would fit very well playing through out the speakers at a club event.
The 7th track on the album titled ‘Help Interlude’ starts off with a perfect interlude instrumental but then switches things up with the help of some cool vocals. The tempo is even changed up through the songs which ads some cool layers to the track.
The 8th track on the album titled ‘Club 4 Aces’ leads with some awesome synths that tremendously help drive the beat through out the song. A combination of that and the vocals makes this song my personal favorite on the album.
The End
The 9th track on the album titled ‘Met Her In Miami’ ads quite a different flow than the rest of the album did when it comes to the tempo. The lyrics help paint a picture of a story that the artist is telling the listeners about.
The 10th track on the album titled ‘Married 2 The Money’ includes the second feature on the album ‘Taydachief’. The instrumental for the album has a bit of an 8 bit feel which works very well for this track. AceMan definitely changes up his flow a bit on this song and with the combination of Taydachiefs unique vocals it all creates a perfect package for the listener.
The 11th Track on the album ‘Told You, Showed You’ almost has a menacing feel when it comes to the beat, but sprinkles on some up tempo lyrics during the versus which just works for the song. The chorus for the track repeats ‘I told you, I showed. I told you, I showed you’ with some perfect vocal effects.
The 12th track on the album titled ‘Gone’ makes you think it is going to be on the slower side in comparison to the other tracks but quickly speeds up when the lyrics hit. ‘When I level up it aint no looking back, I just want the money with no strings attached’ would have to be my favorite line on the track.
The final track on the album is titled ‘Burry Me A G’ and it has one of the strongest starts to a track on the album. It almost sounds like a beat made for someone before they go into a boxing match, packing a huge punch as it flows through the speakers. At some points it over powers the lyrics, but right when think it is taking over too much the chorus hits. Which makes the chorus lyrics stand out even more, in the best possible way.

After my first listen of the album I can’t help myself in wanting to dive back in and give it another listen. The album is filled with some very strong tracks! Both lyrically and with the production this album feels very solid! I highly recommend this album to anyone that is looking for some great music to add to their rotation.