Get to Know Emerging Artist S.Chess
S.Chess real name Sery Chesson is a talented artist that is from and currently resides in Washington D.C. Sery is 35 and loves to play the guitar. He started playing music when he was only 16 and was inspired to try out music while on a date in high school.
“She had this beautiful black guitar in her bedroom that caught my attention and I couldn’t help but ask her if she knew how to play. She made me see the guitar in a different way. She made me pay closer attention to the shape of it before I could hear what it sounded like. I realized how special of an instrument it was with the shape of the body of a woman that needed to be handled with care. She picked it up and showed me how to play a few chords. I saw how the strings were like the hairs of the women from the home islands she talked about. I realized then at that very moment that I was inspired and felt connected to her. I then started taking some guitar classes right away and I was committed to the music world forever.”
10 Questions With S.Chess
Who and what inspires you the most to keep going?
“She inspires me the most. The adventure that started that day took me places I’ve never thought I would go in a life time. What keeps me going is the new connections I’ve made with people through my music.”
What things did you enjoy about playing with Afton?
“I enjoy having a booking rep with Afton. I give them credit for finding my music on Soundcloud and recognizing my talent. I love the way they help me promote my music as a local artist. The game plan that they lay down for me to be connected with my fans is very helpful.”
Where do you see yourself in 3 years and how can Afton help you get there?
“I see myself touring nationwide in 3 years and Afton is going to help me get there by connecting me with booking reps across the country.”
If you could play a show with any artist or band, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
“It would be Mayra Andrade because of her voice, her music and her remarkable ability to connect with people.”
For those who don’t know who that is you can find her music below
What’s one of the craziest things that has happened since you became a musician/artist?
“I toured in Europe for 2 years and opened up for celebrities right after high school.”
Do you have any pre-show rituals before taking the stage? What do you do after a show?
“I don’t have any pre-rituals before taking the stage but my mother always wants me to pray and include God in all the things that I do. I don’t plan on partying too hard after shows because I once lost my voice and couldn’t perform the next day at a different show when I was on tour in Germany.”
What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned as an artist?
“The biggest lesson I’ve learned as an artist was really understanding your art. The definition of music itself is something I’ve learned on a pop quiz at Duke Ellington School of Arts in my Jazz class. Every student failed that day.”
What advice would you give to a young artist just starting out?
“My advice to the young artists just starting Is don’t hesitate to do things differently than the traditional way things are at the moment. There’s always room for the new. “
Thank you S.Chess for stoping by and chatting with us! Be sure to keep an eye out for his upcoming shows in NYC and Washington D.C. The next show he has booked is September 20th at The West End in NYC
You can Pick up tickets HERE
Where to Find S.Chess
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Afton Emerging Artist: Jay Elle