Myafton emerging artist SuperStar: Justice Richardson, aka SuperStar. 33 Greenville, SC, Hip Hop artist but also plays the drums. I grew up in the church playing the drums, & around 9 my brother introduced me to hip hop & I fell in love with it. As life would progress it would give me a lot to write about & so I did & began to put it in songs.
8 Questions With SuperStar
Who and what inspires you the most to keep going?
My wife & my kids. I want to be able to live them a legacy of not just a monetary inheritance but an inheritance of what it means to live your dreams wide awake.
Have you played a show with Afton before? If so, what things did you enjoy about playing with Afton?
Yes, I have. I appreciated the fact that it brought me in front of a new crowd.
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
I aim to be in position to live off my music & clothing merch.
If you could play show with any artist or band, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
Jay-Z, he has been my biggest influence in hip hop since I started listening to it.
What’s one of the craziest things that has happened since you became a musician/artist?
I forgot the lyrics to one of my songs in the middle of my set & had to start freestyling.
Do you have any pre-show rituals before taking the stage? What do you do after a show?
No pre-show rituals & after most shows its just time to eat. Lol.
What advice would you give to a young artist just starting out?
Be the you, you know you are. Believe it or not people are looking for something original.
What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned as an artist?
Remain humble, & do it for the love & everything else will into place.
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