DvffleBvg Ruggv
MyAfton Emerging artist DvffleBvg Ruggv: I am DvffleBvg Ruggv and I am 22 years old from Silver Spring Maryland. I am a DMV trap rapper and am very passionate about my music, fans, and label.
I started making music at 13 and when I was 21 my mom started a record label Paper Chaser Association and I am the face of it. Paper Chaser Association started pushing my music out to get exposure.
9 Questions with DvffleBvg Ruggv
Who and what inspires you the most to keep going?
My Mom inspires me to keep going and keep making music. Having the label Paper Chaser Association really pushes me to keep going and my acquired fans I appreciate more than anything. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be moving forward with the steady pace we are moving.
What things did you enjoy about playing with Afton?
I enjoy doing Afton shows because I get experience performing and new fans in my area.
Where do you see yourself in 3 years (and how can Afton help you get there?)
In 3 years I see myself opening for Big Artists and maybe heading to their position by then. I feel Afton will help me by the continued support of performances to add up on my EPK for impressions to other booking agents that can get in me in opening for bigger artists.
If you could play show with any artist or band, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
Kevin Gates for sure. I feel we would vibe on the stage together. I get my music inspiration from him because he had road blocks that he overcame and I know if he did it I can too. He is a hustler just like I am and I just feel a show with him would be a fire performance
What’s one of the craziest things that has happened since you became a musician/artist?
People calling saying they were from big labels trying to put me on the dababy tour. My mom searched and searched and found out they were scammers trying to take our money. She actually contacted the people the scammers were stating they were and warned them about the scam.
Do you have any pre-show rituals before taking the stage?
I hype myself up so that I can perform well for people. On the way to the venue I blast my music so I can get the energy I had recording my songs.
What do you do after a show?
Smoke a Big Blunt to celebrate a job well done.
What advice would you give to a young artist just starting out?
Don’t give up keep going. Have people listen to your music and get feed back critique your music and keep at it. Always promote yourself.
What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned as an artist?
Promoting myself I struggle with it and its made me loose out on big shows.

Where To Follow Myafton Emerging artist DvffleBvg Ruggv:
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