Get to Know Emerging Artist Black Pat
Black Pat real name Patrick Turner is a talented artist that started music when he was only 13 years old, though he didn’t start taking it seriously until he was 16 years old. Patrick has been around music his whole life and one of his main influences and people he looked up to was his brother Phineas (a.k.a. Phine-o) who passed away back in 2014. His brother was both a Christian rapper and dancer.
8 Questions With Black Pat
What inspires you the most to keep going?
“I think just the want of really making it, first of all, just for me, like can I really prove it to myself. Then of course my family because I’ve been on this journey for awhile and I have to help them for believing in me first and my close friends also too! I really wanna help everyone that has truly help me get this far! “
What things did you enjoy about playing with Afton?
“Well I had my first headlining show with Afton and I got a green room for me and my team. But next time I need a rider. Haha, But just being able to truly make money off my shows has been amazing. A lot of promotional groups try to rip you off but not Afton. With that being said, I would like to say Thank you, and I really enjoy working with y’all so far.”
Where do you see yourself in 3 years and how can Afton help you get there?
“Well in the next 3 years i’ll be headlining tours across the country and I plan on doing that through Afton, so we need to discuss details, Ryan. Haha”
If you could play a show with any artist or band, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
“It would be J.Cole because I feel we have the same crowd in music and I know his fans would love my show.”
What’s one of the craziest things that has happened since you became a musician/artist?
“Well, I don’t want to get too crazy now. I would say this girl ran towards the stage at the end of the show, and I introduced myself, and she didn’t say anything back to me. She just screamed and rubbed on my chest and arms then ran away. “
Do you have any pre-show rituals before taking the stage? What do you do after a show?
“I like a chill atmosphere around me, just be around friends, but of course, I pray before I hit the stage! “
What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned as an artist?
“I would say just stay focused and be Consistent and always try new things.”
What advice would you give to a young artist just starting out?
“Read everything and listen to people when they talk and because all business is not good business so be careful.”

Thank you Black Pat for stoping by and letting us get to know you more as an artist and a person!
Be sure to keep an eye out for his upcoming shows around Dallas! His last show he had over 100 people that came out to support him and he is only getting bigger!
Black Pat is also one of the headliners for all Fall Mixtape which will be out in early October. Be sure to catch him on that when it is released. He is contributing his song “Broken”. If you want to submit a song for the mixtape click HERE