
This Months Review
We are very happy to bring to you our album review of The Difference 2 by Big Nic. This one we recommend to anyone looking for some fun new Hip Hop. This is our second review for Big Nic so I am extra excited about this one.
Big Nic
My name is Nicholas Nash and I come from Little Rock, Arkansas. The city is already rough but I come from one of the roughest parts of the city. I don’t let this bring me down though, i actually use this a hard motivation to make it out of where I came from. I’ve always been into music, remixing songs I would hear on the radio in my journal. I didn’t record my first song until the 9th grade with some friends in the library. Ever since then I’ve tried my hardest to make music that others can enjoy. I have always had to work to get mine, I didn’t have my first pair of Jordan’s until 9th grade. I bought them(as well as the rest of my clothes and shoes) by selling chips.
The Difference 2
This album starts off with a punch with the title track ‘The difference3’. Where Big Nic shouts out with his familiar catch phrase ‘Yadigg’. The track is filled with some funny references including one about R Kelly. The second track ‘Nic Cage’ has the first feature on the album brought to you by Tremor J. The third track on the album ‘Dnob’ (which is actually on our Winter Mixtape) was added to this album as a remix instead of the original version. It has some cool new affects as well as a new feature.
The 4th track on the album ‘Nic Cannon’ is full of some great references and is carried by a catchy hook! Big nic definitely has a way with catchy hooks without over using audio effects. The 5th track is a great transition to the second half of the album that is made into an entertaining skit. Which leads us into the 6th track titled ‘Nic Nac’. It has an awesome instrumental that drives the song through out. It also bring listeners another catchy chorus on the album.
The 7th track which includes another feature ( BG Nimani ) is titled ‘Nicole’. It leads with a bit of a dream wave feeling beat and some fun vocals! The 8th track on the album has some samples from Nic Fury straight out of the MCU. The beat in this track is simple but it lets the lyrics come through in a great way for the song.
The final two tracks on the album ‘Nic Jr’ and ‘The Difference 4’ are great closers for the album. With ‘Nic Jr’ slowing things down a bit and picking things back up again to end the album with ‘The Difference 4’.

Thanks for reading the album review for Big Nics album The Difference 2. Be sure to keep an eye out for him as he continues to put out solid albums. And be sure to check out our album review for his album ’19’ HERE if you missed it.