Boosting Your LiveStream Promotion
Today we will be walking you through some tools that you can use to boost your promotion for an upcoming LiveStream show. There are limitless tools that you can use to promote a show but today we will be walking you through mainly using Facebook and Instagram to help promote.
Facebook/Instagram Facts
One of the biggest misconceptions from artists is that they think the best way to promote a show is to simply post an image of their upcoming show to their followers. This is helpful and a good way to promote a show but they should by no means be the only method or promotion that the aritst uses.
The reality is that when you post an image on your Facebook feed it only is seen by about 10% of the followers. So if you have 1,000 followers then 100 people will see it. This was not always the case but back in about 2018 is when the algorithm changed to what it is now.
This is also the case with Instagram. It can go up or down a few % points but both are right around 10%. So it is important that you use other methods to reach more of your audience/followers.
Extending Your Reach
Every artists has the goal to reach as many of their followers as they can with the info regarding their show so we are going go over how to reach that other chunk of followers that a regular post may not reach. Another option is Instagram/Facebook Stories. Just like regular posts it does not reach your whole audience, on average it reaches about 7.2%.
Some of the 10% from posts and the 7.2% reach from stories may have some carry over so some of your followers might see both your story and your post but it is still a good idea to use both tools so that there is more of a chance that a big chunk of followers will see it.
Another tool is DMing (Direct Messaging) your followers. You can actually judge from your posts and stories who of your followers have seen/liked your post, so then you can DM the followers that have not seen it. That can add another chunk to your following that has seen the info about your show.
What About The Rest Of The Followers?
Even with all of the above tools used you still might be only reaching 20-30% of your followers. That still leaves a lot of fans that may not know about your upcoming LiveStream show. So what do you do?
One of the tools that we have found most successful is Instagram/Facebook Ads. Most aritsts hear that and think “Why would I spend money on promotion when I have social media”? Well given all the above reasons and the fact that Facebook is essentially ‘Pay to Play’ (they are a company that has an end goal to make money). Even with social media you still may not be reaching your full audience, so ads are a great way to bridge the gap!
There are a ton of different ways and different audiences that you can setup within Facebook to run ads to but today we are going to go over how to run ads to your friends/family/followers specifically.
What You Will Need
- You will need to already have a Facebook page setup.
- You will also need to have a Facebook business page. This is fairly easy to setup if you have not already done so. You can click HERE for a walkthrough if you do not have one setup yet.
- A willingness to learn! (I know the last one seems silly but sometimes it can be complicated but promotion is a KEY part of being an artist so it is crucial to invest time into it).
Facebook Advertising
One of the best tutorial videos that we have found on setting up a custom audience based on a video that you have posted is HERE give that a watch it will immensely help you with promoting to your audience.
Another more basic method of running an add through ‘People Who Like Your Page’ is this video HERE.
Other Resources
Facebook Ad & Promo Tips for LiveStreams
How to Keep Fans Coming Back For More Live Stream Performances.