A New Series
Our last article we continued our MyAfton Promo Plan where we walked you through the promotional process for your show. For this article we will continue from there but focus more on the week of your show.
Your Time To Shine
Your show is now less than a week away. You’ve been rehearsing for weeks, preparing, thinking about everything from promotion to transportation to your set list. You have a lot going on. This close to the show is it too late to get more tickets sold?
No. It’s not too late! You’ve already made ticket sales to the easy fans (haven’t you)? You’ve already split up the promo workload amongst all members, and broken down your ticket sales goals each week in small chunks. right?
Now is the most crucial time to make your ticket sales double, triple, quadruple, etc.
What About The ‘Maybes’
You probably have a bunch of “maybe’s,” “I don’t know’s,” and “Don’t worry I’ll pay the higher door price night of!” fans who have not bought a ticket yet. IF you let those people go, if you don’t follow up, if you don’t get them to buy a ticket and commit – then they are going to bail. After over 10,000 concerts, our data has shown time and time again that fans who have not bought a ticket are more than 80% likely to never show up. So now’s the time to get those friends to commit.
The Final Plan
So here’s what you do. From now until show time, have all members do an all out promo blitz. Use that list you made of every person that you and your group members personally know.
Text, Facebook message, and email anyone who has not given you a hard no over the next few days. Tell them why they should come see you play, tell them about your incentives if they bring friends, tell them why it would mean so much to see them out in the crowd. Give them a CALL TO ACTION. Literally ask them to reply back if they are going to skip it or buy a ticket. Ask them to not leave you hanging. Remember, if they say they can’t go – you can ask them to tell their friends about the show and it’s one less person you have to follow up with. When someone says they are going to buy a ticket, politely ask them to tell you once they purchase so you can note that on your promo checklist.
Next, you can go through your list of people who have already bought tickets and ask them to bring friends. Click the Ticket Sales link in your MyAfton.com account to see the list of people who have bought tickets online. We provide you with their email address. Tell them about your INCENTIVES and what they get if they bring 1, 2, 3+ new friends to your show. They want to help you, and they like you and your music, otherwise they wouldn’t even be coming to your show! Don’t be shy to politely ask them for a favor!
It All Comes Together
Everyone has worked hard to make this show a success. Don’t let this last week of promo opportunities slip by. If you keep focused on the end goal here (getting AS MANY people as possible to your show), then I am confident you will be surprised by how many tickets you can get sold by show time.
I want you to envision what your show looks like this week if you have only 5 fans scattered in the crowd and how that will feel. Then envision what it will feel like when you have 25, 50, 100+ fans specifically waiting to see you, all piled up against the front of the stage. Let’s make this show awesome and something your fans talk about for months to come.

Thanks reading our article about promoting the week of your show! That is it for the MyAfton Promo Plan series. Keep an eye on our blog for more tips!
Other Resources
What Temperature Are Your Fans?