What are Promo Codes?
Afton provides Promo Code discounts to our artists to help get fans to buy Tickets early on. Promo Codes save your fans money off the advance Ticket price. Promo Codes do not affect your artist payout, Afton eats the cost of these discounts from our cut.
Top Tactics to Use Promo Codes
Thousands of our artists sell 10-20+ Tickets in 1 day when they use Promo Codes effectively in their promotion. Here are the top tricks and tips:
First off, understand that fans won’t buy advance Tickets ASAP if they don’t see any reason to. People procrastinate on everything. But the longer they procrastinate to buy a Ticket to your show, the risk increases that they bail on you, forget about the show, or make other plans!
You also miss out on powerful word-of-mouth promotion if fans wait and wait to buy Tickets until the last minute. For instance, 10 Tickets sold 40 days prior to the show can turn into another 10-20 Ticket sales because Fans that purchased early on have your show on their calendar and will be telling their friends to go to the show with them.
Other Shows and Promoters
Even if you’re playing a show outside of Afton, ask the venue or promoter if they can give you Promo Codes. And make sure they don’t take that out of your payout!
Ever notice how cyber Monday deals online get tons of sales? That’s because it creates URGENCY and it expires.
You must create URGENCY WITH YOUR PROMO CODES so that you can basically create a “Cyber Monday” type scenario with fans.
Urgency helps fans get in gear now.