Artists ask me all the time, “How do I get my Fans to keep coming back for more Live Stream performances?”
The first mistake most artists make is, they see Live Stream performances as a novelty. So they do one, and then move on and never Live Stream again. Think of Live Stream gigs as a new part of your live show offering. You want to create unique Live Streams so that the same fans tune in and pay to watch your new shows on a consistent basis.
By doing that, you can make Live Streams a source of continuous extra income. Plus, you build more and more engagement with Fans every time they buy a Live Stream, which creates “super Fans” and grows your reach even more.
You also don’t want to sell pay-per-view tickets to your Fans for your Live Stream gigs and have them only watch 1 of your Live Streams. The goal is to build up fan loyalty, and get the majority of your Fans to buy tickets every time you Live Stream.
It’s All About Being Consistent
Create an ongoing Live Stream series! Every month, every 2 weeks. Whatever you can successfully pull off. This allows you to build traction and snowball your viewership. Fans will tell their friends about you and more and more tickets will be sold each and every show. That is the ultimate goal.
By looking at it like this, an ongoing Live Stream series, it also allows you to invest the time and energy to get really good at this. It lets you create unique shows with different set lists and themes so your Live Streams never get stale.
Most artists will try to Live Stream and sell 11 tickets and quit. But if they had KEPT GOING, they could have grown to 20 tickets, 30 tickets, 50 tickets, by the 3rd or 4th show.
Another huge advantage of an ongoing Live Stream series is that you now have a reason to invest more money into Facebook & Instagram ads! Because every ad you run is growing your ongoing series following. It may not be worth putting $300 in ad spend to 1 Live Stream gig… But if you do 1 Live Stream every month it is definitely worth putting $300 in ad budget towards social media ads over 3, 4, or 5 months.
This also lets you capitalize on SUPER FANS. Even if you only have 12 super fans, if they are all buying tickets to EVERY Live Stream you do, that really pays off over time. As you continue to grow your fan base overall, the number of super fans will also increase until eventually you have a constant revenue stream of virtual ticket sales and fan tips from your die hard fan base.
Don’t Treat Live Streams Like Normal Club Shows
As musicians, sometimes for real-world shows in music venues we tend to do the “same show” every time we play. The same songs, the same setlist, etc.
But for Live Streams, we need to mix it up completely. If you want fans to buy a Live Stream ticket every 2-4 weeks and watch all of your streams, you’ll have to make sure each and every show is different, special, and unique.
Here are some great ideas on how to accomplish that, and how to make your Live Streams something that fans are happy to pay for over and over again.