Get to Know Emerging Artist Fool in Utopia
Marc Rodriguez is a 21 year old singer that created the stage name Fool in Utopia. He is originally from Morristown, New Jersey though he currently lives in San Antonio, Texas. Marc plays tons of instruments including cello, ukulele, drums, guitar, piano, and bass. He also produced is very first album in his dorm room, which was self titled (Fool in Utopia).
10 Questions With Fool in Utopia
When did you start playing music?
“My musical journey began in fifth grade when I learned to play the cello. After becoming classically trained for a number of years, I faked my way into an alternative rock band in high school called The Frites telling the other members of the band that I knew how to play drums. We released a self-produced album a year later, however, all the members split all over Texas for college causing our combined musical journey to be limited to gigs only over winter and summer breaks. This is when I truly fell into my stride with Fool in Utopia. I began recording ukulele tracks while singing my poetry over them and through this I found a deep motivation inside me to learn how to produce music that I have worked on so far. “
Who and what inspires you the most to keep going?
“My biggest musical inspiration has always been Twenty One Pilots. I have never felt such a raw connection to music in my life and they are what inspired me to create the music that I do. “
What things did you enjoy about playing with Afton?
“With Afton, I loved the opportunity to perform at a well-known venue in my local music scene. I felt as if the opportunity pushed my music career to another level of professionalism and it was amazing being able to play for over 80+ through a full sound system on stage.”
Where do you see yourself in 3 years and how can Afton help you get there?
“In 3 years I hope to be connecting with Fools across the country with my shows becoming even more intense and inspiring. I want people to understand that I too believe that we do not always need to conform to what our society is telling us to, and I believe that it will resonate with a lot of people.”
If you could play show with any artist or band, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
“If I could play a show with any artist it would definitely be Twenty One Pilots, simply because I feel like I would feel so accomplished to be able to share that moment with a true inspiration of mine. “
What’s one of the craziest things that has happened since you became a musician/artist?
“One of the craziest things that has happened since I’ve become a musician would definitely be playing in front of a crowd of thousands with a band that had only practiced 3 times. It was a winter-based show so the Christmas songs were easy enough, however, I felt so prepared for a show like that because I’ve seen the progression of my musicianship and the musicians that I surround myself with, which makes a show like that not stressful at all.”
Do you have any pre-show rituals before taking the stage? What do you do after a show?
“I don’t have any pre-show rituals, but I do love having a sit-down with bandmates after a show to talk about what we liked about our performance and what we can do better for next time. To me, this is almost as important as practicing because it focuses our attention on the parts of our show that need it the most.”
What advice would you give to a young artist just starting out?
“The best advice I could give to a young artist would be to set goals for yourself and to practice, practice, practice. I’ve struggled a long time with being able to envision where I want to be and the only way I have even come close to that goal is through long hours of working on my abilities both in musicianship and production.”
What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned as an artist?
“The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far as an artist is that if I want to take my product to the level I want it to be, I need to have the determination and motivation to get it there. No one else is going to do it for me, and the only way to push myself forward is to do it myself. “
Thank you to Marc for stoping by to answer some questions and to tell us a little bit more about himself and his awesome project ‘Fool in Utopia’. Keep your eye out for some of his upcoming shows in Austin!
Where to Find Fool in Utopia
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