A New Series
Our last article we continued our MyAfton Promo Plan where we walked you through the promotional process for your show. For this article we will continue from there but focus more on 14+ days out from the show.
Promotion Can Be Hard
For a lot of artists, self promotion is hard, or it’s uncomfortable, or it just feels weird. But if you really think about it, who is in the best position to promote your music and to make long lasting connections to your soon to be fan base? You are.
Nobody else in the world cares as much about your songs, your music, or the art you’ve created. Nobody else in the world will ever care as much as you do. So that’s why it is crucial that you learn to be an effective, self promoting machine.
We can call all of your fans and invite them to your show, a venue can email your friends to try and get them to buy tickets, but the fact is the most likely way your fans and friends are going to attend your show is if you invite them personally, face to face. If you connect with them, and if you show them how much you care about your music. No other entity or company can replace that vital and much needed connection that it takes for you to get new fans out to your show.
Practice Makes Perfect

We get it. Self promotion is harder for some artists than it is others. But here’s the good news: Just like with anything else – the more you do it, the more you practice it, and the more you believe in it – the better you get. The question you have to ask yourself is, are you willing to put in the work it takes to play in front of 200+ people? Or to be the local artist in your city that draws more fans than anyone else?
Your music is good. We already know that, you know that. That’s why we booked you for this show. But there are literally tens of thousands of “really great” bands and rappers out there who don’t know how to self promote and who draw 0-10 fans when they play live.
Making The Connection
If you can make that final step, and combine your great music, great live show, and your artistry with the ability to effectively self promote and draw 25, 50, 100+ fans per show? You will STAND OUT from every other band or rapper in your area. You will get booked more. You will even get booked over acts who musically are better than you are.
Many artists are musically as good as you, or even better. And you only have so much control over that. But you have complete control over how quickly you build your fan base. Our goal is to teach all of our artists the importance of self promotion and the importance of advance ticket sales. Because even after the shows you play, those promotion skills and that confidence is going to help you in every single show you ever play.
It All Pays Off!
So think on that for a few days. Keep carrying flyers and physical cash tickets with you everywhere you go. Keep having those interactions, those conversations with friends, fans, and strangers. It will pay off when you are standing in front of a crowd of 50 of your fans, screaming at the front of the stage while all of the other artists, venue staff, and other act’s fans take notice that you are a worthwhile, interesting act with a lot of buzz. THAT is how you make new fans at your show, and that is how you stand out from everybody else.

Thanks reading our article about promoting 14+ days out from your show! Stay Tuned for our Next blog article in our Myafton Promo Plan series!