I appreciate you booking me for the last performance, that was tremendous FUN! I liked the crowd and I loved the venue. I would like to be rebooked
Samir, Atlanta | December 24, 2011
Mike you are welcome and thank-you for your professionalism! It was a successful night and everyone had a great time.
Summers in Silberia, Atlanta | December 24, 2011
The past show was REALLY fun. The crowd was really connecting with my music, and I was even welcomed back on stage to freestyle at the end. It was great.
OEOE, Atlanta | December 24, 2011
the show was a success! i feel alot of people in the audience enjoyed the performance. can’t thank you enough for this opportunity
Mr.Whit3, Houston | December 23, 2011
Tom and I had a great time! It was a good show. US Beer did a good job revamping the place, both stage and sound
The Cellar Dwellers, Chicago | December 23, 2011
he show went really good, and i had so much fun. the crowd got up and danced and clapped along, it was soo cool. You Rock.
Saracodia, Hartford | December 23, 2011
Everything has been great on this end, Oh an time onstage was amazing! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to play in Fort Collins. We got a bunch of tix sold in that last week of sales bringin us an awesome crowd. The crowd loved jammin too.
Dat New Krew, Denver | December 23, 2011
The show went great. We just wanted to thank you for booking us..Once again we enjoy working with your company because it makes everything way easier!
KaCey, Milwaukee | December 22, 2011
the show FU*@ing rocked! Our new drummer is working out well. The fans of the other performers were really digging us!
Psychosally, San Diego | December 21, 2011
another awesome show and a suprisingly awesome response thanks
The Revolting, San Jose | December 21, 2011
everything was awesome on friday night place and everything!!
Autumns Hold, Hartford | December 21, 2011
The 16th was great we all had a blast
Synaesthesia, Hartford | December 21, 2011
reat show. Great Show!
Kamoflage, Hartford | December 20, 2011
The show was great! Thanks for your hard work! Loganis a great guy. Fantastic demeanor and professionalism.
SashKO, Denver | December 20, 2011
The show was awesome. People were yelling for an encore.