I had a great time at the show! Thanks for booking me.
Sarah of Raleigh | February 9, 2015
Yes I kilt my performance and they loved it they were trying to by my cd but all I had were a few promos.
April from Missy Sweet Water | February 9, 2015
The show was awesome. I enjoyed the diversity of acts. Everything from singer songwriter to blues rock duos to rappers
Thomas of Cincinnati | February 5, 2015
Show was good.
Mohamed from Mohamed X | February 4, 2015
I had a really nice time playing at Monarch. Your staff member was really cool and helpful. The venue was really impressive as well. Thanks for the opportunity
Tessa from Purple Blouse | February 1, 2015
just did the show in san jose and it was great
Charles from Young Chuck | February 1, 2015
Hey Dan… I had a great show… It was pretty dead in there… Until I took the stage… Then omg… Did the crowd turn up… That’s what I live for…
Sphinx of Philadelphia | February 1, 2015
hey man had a great time at the show last night people loved me and i enjoyed the venue awesome hip hop vibes there and good people
Jason from Osyrus | February 1, 2015
Thank you for everything. The show was great.
George from Sultry Sixx | February 1, 2015
The show was a success! We brought out a pretty big crowd. Where’s the next opportunity?
Christian from Drug of Choice | January 30, 2015
Thanks for reaching out. We had a great time last night. World Cafe Live is a great space and there was a good crowd out. Definitely a good time.
Ryan from Red Means Run | January 28, 2015
Im just reaching out to say thanx for the booking/ the opportunity to perform
Kelvin from L.OYALTY O.VER M.MONEY | January 26, 2015
Thank you! We had an awesome time with you guys at the show.. I got a lot of good feedback from fans that was down with me from the start and new fans, Everyone had very positive things to say about there experience.
Lee from King Lee | January 26, 2015
The show went good tonight.
Malcolm from The Real Maly Mal | January 26, 2015
The show went so well!! Thanks for having us play.